

¡Llámenos ahora al 305-265-2266!

Peligro en la calle

Conducir un vehículo puede exponerlo al riesgo de accidentes que pueden causarle serias lesiones.

Most common personal injury claims are filed due to the negligence of another driver. There are many acts of negligence that can cause lifelong injury or damage to someone, such as driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or texting while driving. Even small accidents can sometimes incur long-term medical expenses. Our experienced Miami car accident attorney provides aggressive and effective legal representation to help victims of car accidents obtain the compensation they are entitled to.

Injuries that can qualify you for a personal injury lawsuit include:

  • Quebraduras
  • Lesiones significantes en la cabeza
  • Parálisis
  • Daño cerebral
  • Desfiguración
  • Muerte
  • Cicatrices permanentes
  • Discapacidad

Si usted o alguien que conozca está sufriendo de lesiones causadas por la conducción negligente de otros, contáctese con Miami Legal Firm para garantizar que sus derechos estén protegidos y recibir la compensación que merece.

Luchamos por usted

Perseguimos la justicia para usted, siempre y en todo lugar.

Obtenga ayuda ahora al 305-265-2266

Afrontar los costos

Personal injury lawsuits are meant to help victims by providing financial compensation for their damages. This compensation can include medical expenses already incurred, the cost of ongoing treatment and even rehabilitation costs. Financial relief may also be provided for the damages caused due to lost time from work and for emotional and physical suffering endured by the victim because of the accident. Other types of financial relief can include loss of future and current earnings, medical expenses, property damage and emotional distress.

The rules and regulations for recovery of additional damages can be complex, thus complicating the insurance claims process in cases of severe injuries or death. This is why it is important to hire an attorney to guide the victim in the right direction. Our personal injury attorney has years of experience in handling car accident cases and will be able to help you with your personal injury claim.

Tipos de daños

Car accident cases have surged over the years and thousands of people are injured or killed each year in car crashes. It is important to have an experienced attorney represent your case after a car accident to increase the efficiency of your claim.

Usted puede presentar un reclamo por compensación por lo siguiente:

  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Pérdida de la compañía de los miembros de la familia
  • Gastos médicos
  • Gastos relacionados con el funeral
  • Pérdida de futuros ingresos
  • Pérdida de beneficios
  • Pérdida de la herencia
  • Daños punitivos
  • Daños generales


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