The Risk of Drunk Driving Accidents Increases During the Holiday Season

El riesgo de tener un accidente ocasionado por un conductor en estado de embriaguez aumenta durante la temporada festiva.

Drunk drivers are among the greatest risks to motorists in Florida. While we don’t have to deal with snow and ice during the holidays, government data suggest that Florida has one of the highest rates of drunk driving accidents in the nation, and studies have shown that drunk driving accidents increase during the holiday season. Learn More “The Risk of Drunk Driving Accidents Increases During the Holiday Season”

National Safety Council Publishes Tips for Safe Holiday Travel

El Consejo de Seguridad Nacional publica consejos para viajar de manera segura durante los días festivos

The National Safety Council (NSC) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to, “eliminat[e] preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy.” To this end, the NSC publishes a variety of practical tools and resources on its website, often targeting specific safety risks during specific Learn More “National Safety Council Publishes Tips for Safe Holiday Travel”