Por qué Debe Tener una Dashcam en el sur de la Florida

Tres razones principales por las que debe tener una dashcam en el sur de Florida. Primero, para tener pruebas del accidente. En segundo lugar, probar que el acusado fue responsable del accidente. Y tercero, para obtener la información del vehículo del acusado en caso de atropello y fuga.

¿Qué Pasa si lo soy Indocumentado?

Sí, el estatus migratorio es irrelevante. Tanto los residentes legales como los inmigrantes tienen los mismos derechos. Póngase en contacto con un abogado en su área para proteger sus derechos hoy.

¿Cuál es el Valor de mi Caso?

The value of your personal injury claim will depend on multiple factors such as the severity of your injuries, whether your injuries will require future medical care, and the insurance policies available to compensate you. You should get a free case evaluation as soon as possible to preserve evidence and begin your medical care. That Learn More “What is My Case Worth?”

¿Qué es la Mediación?

Mediation is a process by which all the parties involved get together with a third party, known as a mediator, who attempts to get the parties to resolve the case amicably. Mediation is confidential. Mediation is essentially a negotiation facilitated by a neutral third party. If you have more questions, I suggest consulting with an Learn More “What is Mediation?”

¿Puedo Cambiar de Abogado Durante el Caso?

If your personal injury claim happened in another state, you can still file a personal injury claim against the liable party. Generally, your personal injury lawsuit will be filed in the state where the accident happened. If you have more questions, I suggest consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney.