
Top Three Tips for the Courtroom

First, be prepared and know what you need to say. Always discuss this with your attorney. Second, don’t forget that the jury and judge are humans too. Please be polite. Finally, dress appropriately.

Critical Mistakes You Must NEVER Make After an Accident

Critical mistake you must never make after an accident. Accepting cash, no. Signing a release you must never do without having your attorney present. Giving a recorded statement without an attorney is a big no. If you have been in a car accident contact an experienced attorney today.

Why You Should Sue for Lost Wages

When injured, most likely you will miss work and you have a right to be compensated for your lost wages, whether it’s 2 hours or ten days. Make sure you hire an experienced attorney in your area to make sure your rights are protected.

Why You Must Have a Dashcam in South Florida

Three top reasons why you must have a dashcam in South Florida. First, to have evidence of the accident. Second, to prove the defendant was liable for the accident. And third, to get the defendant’s vehicle information in case of a hit and run.

What if I am Undocumented?

Yes, immigration status is irrelevant. Both legal residents and immigrants have the same rights. Contact an attorney in your area to protect your rights today.